if our kitchen could talk, what would it say?
aurasano(TM) by HESTIA design lab is a quirky addition to the world of kitchen tools.
Based on the principles of Behavior Design and Calm Technology, aurasano is a new kind of intelligent system that interacts with us to learn from and playfully guide our food choices, wherever we are.
"what should I have for lunch?"
"which ingredients should I use?"
"is this recipe right for me?"
Using lights, sounds, sensors and personal data, aurasano gives fresh herbs, ripe vegetables, and other healthy ingredients a fun voice in our conversations about food and health.
Think a meet-cute between you and your kitchen, carefully designed to create food experiences that are playful, personalized and powerfully good for us.

an aurasano proof-of-concept is currently on display in the Kitchen Tools installation, part of the New Craft exhibit at the 21st Triennale di Milano.